Changes to the 2015 Iowa Probate Code - Authority of Representative to Get Financial Details

One of the convenient & powerful changes to the Iowa Probate Code from the 2015 legislative session involved the authority of a court-appointed representative to get information or access to financial information or assets. Iowa Code section 633.78 was revised to give both the representative and the financial institution the necessary authority and protection in dealing with assets. Okay, that was enough of a legal mouthful. If you want a bigger mouthful, you can read the bill that was signed by Governor Branstad . This was a bill that was drafted and sponsored by the Probate Section of the Iowa State Bar Association. Another great job by the Section. To give you an example of how this is useful, let's assume that you are the executor of an estate, or you represent the executor. And assume that you believe that decedent owned an account at a financial institution, or that you know for a fact that they owned an account at the institution. ...