Minors Inheriting Property in Iowa
My daughter Maggie I recently have had a couple of situations where minor children are heirs of a parent that passed away. As a result, the minor children are beneficiaries of their parent's estate. However, in Iowa, it can be a challenge when a minor is inheriting money/assets. Iowa law provides that if the amount of the inheritance is above $25,000, it is necessary that a conservatorship be opened for the minor. A conservatorship, while beneficial in handling the assets for a minor that can't handle those assets, can be a challenge and potentially frustrating experience. Some issues associated with a conservatorship: Annual reporting requirements - each year (or occasionally other periods) a report is filed and review by the court for all income and expenses of the conservatorship. Annual expenses - there are annual court costs and potentially attorney fees to handle those reports. Bonding requirements - a conservator has to post an ins...